Adult Dog Form *All information will remain confidential. Please note any questions asked are just to ensure the well being of our adult dogs.* Adult Dog Form How did you find out about CNR Farms?(Google search, Facebook, Referred by a friend, Etc.)*Name* First Last Email* Phone* Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Which gender are you interested in?* Male Female No Preference Have you owned a dog before?* Yes No Which breed are you interested in?* Poodle Labradoodle English Goldendoodle No Preference Are you interested in a particular dog? How long are you willing to wait on an adult dog?* I want one now 1-2 years 3-4 years Do you have children? If so how many and what are their ages?*Do you have a fenced in backyard?* Yes No Are you willing to give us at least 2 updates a year?* Yes No Do you have any other dogs that aren't spayed/neutered?* Yes No If yes, please explainPlease list 3 references. 1 must be your vet*Tell me about your family and what you are looking for in an adult dog. What activities do you plan to do with your adult dog etc.*EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ